Equipment Selection
Friax help you in making the right choice of wine cellar air conditioner
In order to select the right Friax equipment for your wine cellar, it is essential to take into account the following parameters:
- Geometry and dimensions of the room
- Implantation (Adjacent Rooms, Orientation / Climate)
- Wall Composition (Insulation, Thermal Inertia …)
- Specific constraints (lighting, air renewal, equipment producing heat …)
- Thermal bridges
- Desired temperature / humidity
the blue prints often collect most of this information.
In the case where one of the information is missing, it is recommended to make a hypothesis with the worst-case parameter.
The realization of a thermal balance of the cellar makes it possible to avoid the undersizing of the machine and the air-conditioning of a cellar which will be energy-consuming.
After studying the results of the assessment, it is recommended to take appropriate measures for the insulation of the cellar.
Thanks to all the information you have collected, and the actions you have taken on a possible insulation of the cellar, the Friax team can advise you on your pre-selection.
To help you select the right machine for your cellar, we offer you the following tools:
Using the following tables, you can make a pre-selection of the level of equipment you will need in your cellar. You will then only have to determine the type of product according to the configuration. Do not hesitate to contact our stockist for assistance with your search.